California Pilots: Flying on the Front Lines

ACI JetNewsroom

Cessna flying in the clouds at sunset

A shout-out to aviation charities

Pilots all over the country use their skills to help others, and California is no exception. ACI Jet supports these charitable operations and many others in varying ways, including specialized pricing, providing event space for fundraising and even donating Tarmac Teddies when the furry little friends can bring a smile to a passenger in need. Here are some of the ways that your California-based aviators are making a difference in the world:

Medical Transport

For patients who need medical treatment but can’t afford to travel, Angel Flight West and Hope Flight Foundation are there to help. Angel Flight West offers free flights by volunteer pilots all over California. These pilots donate their own aircraft, fuel and time to provide over ten trips daily. Hope Flight Foundation specializes in giving rides to children with life-threatening diseases. Patients are currently flown by a commercial pilot in the organization’s Cessna 182, but they plan to buy a King Air to increase their service capabilities. 

If you’re interested in volunteering as a pilot for Angel Flight West, click here.
To donate to Angel Flight West, click here.
To donate to Hope Flight Foundation, click here.

Medical Support

Some pilots bring the doctors to the patients instead. Flying Samaritans and The Flying Doctors of Southern California are just two of the many organizations that provide medical support to underserved communities. Flying Samaritans was founded to support clinics in Baja California, Mexico. Volunteer pilots fly doctors to clinics to provide non-emergency medical care, medical instruction and disaster relief. There are currently six chapters operating in California. The Flying Doctors serve communities in Mexico, Haiti, Guatemala and California. They provide free medical, dental and vision services.

For those interested in volunteering as a pilot for Flying Samaritans, click here.
To donate to Flying Samaritans, click here.
To donate to The Flying Doctors Southern California, click here.

Community Support

Along with medical supplies, Christian Pilot Association and Wings of Faith bring other basic necessities to those in need. Christian Pilot Association builds housing, churches, orphanages and hospitals in low-income areas around the world. They also fly in essential supplies and disaster relief. Wings of Faith’s mission is to help Native American communities in the U.S. Pilots transport food, clothing and other necessary provisions to California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico.

If you’re interested in volunteering for Christian Pilot Association, click here.
If you’re interested in volunteering for Wings of Faith, click here.
To donate to Wings of Faith, click here.

Pet Rescue

People aren’t the only ones who need help. Organizations like Wings of Rescue and Pet  Rescue Pilots make finding animals a good home their mission. Wings of Rescue flys those who would otherwise be euthanized to owners who will love them. They also go to natural disaster sites to save pets in danger. Pet Rescue Pilot also saves animals from kill shelters and documents each mission on their website. To date, they have rescued over 500 pets.

To donate to Wings of Rescue, click here.
If you’re interested in adopting a pet through Wings of Rescue, click here.
To donate to Pet Rescue Pilots, click here.

Man holding a dog

We at ACI Jet appreciate everything these organizations do to help and are always happy to see them when they come through our FBOs.